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Client Client Only Since 1.0.0

The client namespace object. This object is returned by Red.Client and is used for networking on the client.


Fire Yields Client Only Since 1.0.0

Fires an event to the server.

	Event: string, -- The name of the event to fire.
	...: any -- The arguments to pass to the event.


This method has the same data limits as RemoteEvent. Any data that cannot be serialized will arrive malformed on the server.

Yielding Behavior

This method will only yield if the event identifier is not loaded on the client. This will not yield for a long period of time unless the event is not registered on the server.

local Net = Red.Client("NamespaceName")

Net:Fire("EventName", "Hello, world!")

Call Yields Client Only Since 1.0.0

Calls a function on the server.

	Event: string, -- The name of the event to fire.
	...: any -- The arguments to pass to the event.
): Promise

This calls the connected function.


This method has the same data limits as RemoteEvent. Any data that cannot be serialized will arrive malformed on the server.

Yielding Behavior

This method will only yield if the event identifier is not loaded on the client. This will not yield for a long period of time unless the event is not registered on the server.

local Net = Red.Client("NamespaceName")

local Response = Net:Call("EventName", "Hello, world!")

On Yields Client Only Since 1.0.0

Connects a function to an event.

	Event: string, -- The name of the event to connect to.
	Callback: (...any) -> () -- The function to connect.
local Net = Red.Client("NamespaceName")

Net:On("EventName", function(...)

Folder Yields Client Only Since 1.0.0

Retrieves the shared folder that replicates from the server to the clients.

(): Folder

Yielding Behavior

This method will only yield if the namespace folder is not yet loaded on the client. This function will infinitely yield if the namespace folder is not created on the server.

local Net = Red.Client("NamespaceName")

local Folder = Net:Folder()


LocalFolder Yields Client Only Since 1.0.0

Retrieves the folder that replicates from the server to this client.

(): Folder

Any data in this folder is privately replicated only to this client.

Yielding Behavior

This method will only yield if the namespace folder is not yet loaded on the client. This function will infinitely yield if the namespace folder is not created on the server.

How is this possible?

Folders that replicate to single players are done by using their PlayerGui. Anything there is replicated to that player only. Red cleans up the folder so you will find no trace of it in the PlayerGui.

local Net = Red.Client("NamespaceName")

local Folder = Net:LocalFolder()
